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The Michigan ASM encourages students (undergrad and graduate), as well as faculty, post-docs and other professional microbiologists, to present posters at our fall and spring meetings. Ideally a poster presentation would relate to the general theme of the conference, but that is not a criterion for submission. If you would like to present a  poster of your research at this MI-ASM CONFERENCE, follow the guidelines below carefully and note the changes in judging and award policies.


Your poster should be prepared to fit on a tri-fold (self-standing) 4 ft high x 8 ft wide foam board that will be provided.  These will be standing on "waist high" tables.

If your poster is larger than the above dimensions or you anticipate other special needs to present your research, please contact Mike Ryan or Daniel Clemans and let them know of your needs. See their email links below.

1. To be eligible for student awards, the student presenter must be at their poster and prepared to discuss the findings with the judges during the judging period.
2. The presenter must be a student in order for the poster to be considered for student awards.

3. When you electronically submit your abstract, state in the body of the e-mail, but not the abstract, if you wish your poster to be considered for student awards.

The student who is the primary poster presenter does not pay the conference registration fee and they also receive one year free membership in MI-ASM. STUDENT ENTRIES will be judged by branch members and the winner of the "Best Student Poster" will receive a copy of Dr. Philipp Gerhardt's classicbacteriological manual or other book, and a free membership to the National ASM. To be eligible for student awards, the student presenter must be at  the poster and prepared to discuss the findings with the judges.

  • Submit your name, college or university you attend, department affiliation, the full title of your poster, and a brief (200 words) abstract of its content to the MIASM webmaster. The deadline for submitting abstracts for posting to this website is Wednesday, October 10. You may submit abstracts after this date, but they will not be posted until after the conference. All posted abstracts will remain on the MI-ASM archived meeting webpage.
  • Use a Times Roman 12-pt. font. Type the title first, then list the authors (all capital letters; use an asterisk to denote the person delivering the poster; the presenter must be a student for the poster to be considered for student awards), then list institutions and short addresses. You may include e-mail addresses if you wish.  Visit the MIASM archived meetings webpage for examples of previous abstracts.
  • Abbreviations that are generally understood are acceptable.
  • Please italicize all scientific names and all appropriate genetic terminology if possible.
  • Please submit your abstract by email to: [email protected]. Send the information within the body of the e-mail message as well as an attached file. Also state in the body of the e-mail, but not the abstract, if you wish this poster to be considered for student award. You will receive electronic confirmation that your poster info arrived safely from cyberspace!
  • For the Fall 2007 meeting, also forward your abstract to the meeting organizers (Mike Ryan and Daniel Clemans). They need to track the number of submitted posters.
  • If you presented your poster at an ASM National Meeting or at another conference, please note that in your abstract submission.
  • If you have any questions regarding posters, please contact conference organizers (Mike Ryan and Daniel Clemans)
    Questions or suggestions concerning website, contact [email protected]
    Last updated: August 15, 2017