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Dr. Joan B. Rose

Homer Nowlin Chair in Water Research

Department of Fisheries and Wildlife

13 Natural Resources Building 

Michigan State University 

East Lansing, MI 48824 

Phone: (517) 432-4412

Fax: (517) 432-1699 

[email protected]


Talk title:  "Addressing Biological Agents of Concern: Tools and Frameworks for Risk Assessment Associated with Bioterrorism"

Dr. Joan B. Rose currently holds the Homer Nowlin Chair in Water Research at Michigan State University after receiving her PhD from the University of Arizona and spending 14 years at the University of South Florida.    Dr. Rose is an international expert in water microbiology, water quality and public health safety, publishing more than 250 manuscripts.   She is the only woman to win the Clarke Water Prize for outstanding contributions to water science.  She is considered one of the authorities on Cryptosporidium.

She is currently co-director of the Center for Water Sciences which includes work with the Great Lakes and Human Health Center of NOAA.  She is also Co-Director of the EPA/DHLS Center for Advancing Microbial Risk Assessment.  She is currently the chair of the EPA Science Advisory Board Committee on Drinking Water and serves as an advisor to the US-Canada International Joint Commission. 

Rose lab web site:

Summary of Dr. Rose's talk: Click here for pdf

Dr. Luthor Lindler

Department of Bacterial Diseases

Division of Communicable Diseases and Immunology

Walter Reed Army Institute of Research

Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 

Phone: (301) 319-9388

Fax: (301) 319-9123

E-mail: luther.lindler@NA .AMEDD.ARMY.MIL


Talk Title: "Emerging Threats and Threat Assessment"
Dr. Luther Lindler currently serves as the Director of Public Health Laboratory Services at the Department of Defense Global Emerging Infections Surveillance and Response System.   Dr. Lindler received his Ph.D. in Microbiology from the Medical College of Virginia in 1986 where he studies the genetics of oral Streptococci.  He then did a postdoctoral fellowship in the laboratory of Dr. Susan Straley at the University of Kentucky.  His postdoctoral research centered on the study of Yersinia pestis pathogenesis and genes regulated by pH.  This began his interest in biodefense-related microbiology.  Dr. Lindler then took a position at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in Washington, DC where he continued his research on plague pathogenesis, genotyping and vaccine development for the Army?s biodefense program.  After fifteen years as a researcher for the Army, Dr. Lindler became the Chief Scientist at the Department of Homeland Security National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center (NBACC) at Fort Detrick, Maryland.  There, he participated in the National Material Threat Assessments for many of the high consequence biothreat agents as well as the first National biological risk assessment.  He also helped develop and establish plans for the new NBACC laboratory and programs.  Dr. Lindler is the author of thirty five peer reviewed publications and numerous review articles on Yersinia pestis and the senior editor of the well-acclaimed book entitled Biological Weapons Defense; Infectious Diseases and Counterbioterrorism.

Dr. Philip R. Cunningham

Department of Biological Sciences

Wayne State University

Detroit, MI 48202

Phone: (313) 577-5029

Fax: (313) 577-6891

E-mail: [email protected]

          Talk Title: "Smart Weapons for the War Against Antibiotic Resistance and Bioterrorism"

Dr. Philip R. Cunningham is an Associate Professor in the Wayne State University Department of Biological Sciences. Dr. Cunningham earned his Ph.D. in Microbiology from Southern Illinois University in Carbondale IL, was a postdoctoral fellow at the Roche Institute of Molecular Biology in Nutley, NJ and joined the faculty in the Department of Biological Sciences at WSU in 1991. Dr. Cunningham received the College of Science Teaching Award in 1998, a WSU Career Development Chair in 2001, the Presidents Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2004 and was appointed a National Academies Education Fellow in the Life Sciences in 2004. He also co-founded the biotechnology company RiboNovix, Inc. where he serves as Chief Scientific Officer and Chair of the Science Board. Dr. Cunningham is the inventor on four patents that address the issue of antibiotic resistance.

Cunningham lab web site:

Article about Cunningham's research:  "Saving Lives in an Antibiotic-Resistant World"

Questions or suggestions concerning website, contact [email protected]
Last updated: August 15, 2017